Our CEO - Aaron Wyant
IT that works for you
Started in 2008, Dispatch Tech is a complete technology solution provider. We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service in San Diego. Our team of talented IT professionals can solve your IT nightmares once and for all.
Here’s why so many businesses depend on Dispatch Tech for complete IT services and support:
Trustworthy - Our techs do a background check and everything we do is documented.
Fast - We will answer your call right away and fix your issues ASAP.
24/7 Support - We are available 24/7.
Predictable Cost - We offer flat rate managed service plans to protect your budget.
Peace of Mind - We're an extension of your business. When you have an issue we don't rest until it's resolved.
Our custom service packages deliver what you need and want without overstepping the boundaries of your budget. From cloud services to data backup, Dispatch Tech is here to team up with you and your company for expert support.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide services and solutions that will enable your business to be more effective, efficient and profitable. We take pride in delivering services that exceed your expectations, are responsive, and are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect.

The San Diego Business Owners’ Guide
To IT Support Services And Fees